
”Nasebanaru - Where There is a Will, There is a Way."

"なせば成る なさねば成らぬ 何事も 成らぬは人の なさぬなりけり"
 (nasebanaru nasanebanaranu nanigotomo naranuwahitono nasanunarikeri)

 This is a famous Japanese proverb. However, if foreigners hear the phrase, they may think it as a magical spell. I came across this phrase during a visit to Yonezawa City located in south east of Yamagata. 
This phrase is a "tanka" and was composed by Uesugi Yōzan. (Tanka is a classical Japanese poetry and consist of five lines in the pattern 5-7-5-7-7 syllables.)

 Uesugi Yōzan was a "daimyo" (Japanese feudal lord), the ninth lord of the Yonezawa Domain of Dewa Province. The pictures show the statue of him. By the Mid-Edo Period (1600-1868), Yonezawa Domain had incurred enormous debt. Uesugi gained a good reputation as a wise ruler who made a great effort to pay back the debt. Surprisingly, John F. Kennedy also respected him.

 He undertook two famous reforms called "質素倹約 shisso kenyaku (Simplicity and Frugality)" and "殖産興業 shokusankogyo ( Encouragement of New Industry)." Simply put, they mean "Save Money, and Make a Profit." He himself reduced his cost of living to two sevenths to promote these reforms. He also encouraged the cultivation of mulberries and the silkworm-raising industry (sericulture). Then, he encouraged the silk industry to develop the nationally famous silk fabric called "Yonezawa Ori".

 Yonezawa Ori is very fine and beautiful. I visited the studio in the Yonezawa city. There was a lot of raw silk dyed with various tree and flower dyes, such as safflower and cherry.This natural color captured my heart. 

 Strolling in Yonezawa City, I came upon this. That's an "Edible Fence." This is ukogi plant. Uesugi Yozan hit upon an idea to eat ukogi as an emergency food. It's eaten as a tempura or ohitashi.

 I read, "Ukogi is rich in vitamin" on the explanation boards, and tried to eat it. "Ukogi soft ice cream! Yeah!" It has a savory flavor of tea leaf and a light sweetness. "Fantastic!"

 Well, I'll  introduce you the meaning of the proverb that I wrote at the beginning of the blog. It literally means "If you try to do, it can be achieved. If you don't, it will never be achieved. Achieving nothing is due to your own intention to not try." It comes to the same as the English proverb, "Where there is a will, there is a way." Of course, if you are living in a distant foreign country, would be difficult to visit Uesugi Shrine directly. So, I show you the photo of Uesugi shrine. You'll be able to feel the sanctity of the shrine as if you are in there.

 Please do your best, I hope your wish will come true.

Uesugi Shrine:

1-4-13, Marunochi, Yonezawa-city, Yamagata, 992-0052, Japan

Dyeing and weaving studio, "Wakuwaku Kan":

1-2-37, Gobyo, Yonezawa-city, Yamagata, 992-0055, Japan

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